Invoice Portal End User

Course Title: Invoice Portal End User
Skill Level: Introduction


Description: The purpose of this training is to introduce new users to the invoice Portal, helping them become familiar with the system's features and functionalities. This training will enable users to understand how to navigate the interface, enter data, and perform basic tasks effectively.

Objectives: Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the purpose and benefits of using the Invoice Portal for managing invoices.
  • The learner should be able to set up their own account within Invoice Portal.
  • Navigate through the different sections and menus of the invoice portal interface.
  • Create and send an invoice.
  • Receive and manage invoices.
  • Utilize the available documentation and support channels provided by the portal.

Methodology: The training is delivered using interactive lessons and videos covering theory and step-by-step instructions on how to perform basic tasks in Invoice Portal.

Audience:  New users of the Invoice Portal

Prerequisites: None

Course Access: 365 days from enrollment date